In Memory of






Lakeview Manor Ladies Auxiliary
Delbert & Mary
We are very sorry to hear about your loss. From our family to yours, our most heartfelt sympathies.
Lakeview Manor Ladies Auxiliary
Rose Prendergast
Marg, We were so sorry to hear about your mom. Keep your memories of her close to your heart and she will always be with you. Love Rose, Tracy, and Mike
Lakeview Manor Ladies Auxiliary
Joyce Garringer, Tanya&Frank Grela, Stephanie & Eric Net, Charmaine & Lee DeLong, Rodney & Susan Garringer
During this difficult time we would like to extend our most heartfelt sympathies.
Lakeview Manor Ladies Auxiliary
Peter & Kathy Nadon
Grammie Becky will be truly missed by all that loved her. Memories have been made which will last a lifetime.