In Memory of






Condolence From: doug shortt
Condolence: My deepest condolences Beth on the loss of your mother...
Tuesday March 24, 2015
Condolence From: Cater Glover
Condolence: Vicki we are so sorry to hear about your Mom.She lived a wonderful life for the Lord,now she is home with Him,Our love and prayers are with you and your family. Cater and Eileen.
Saturday March 21, 2015
Condolence From: Doreen Heaslip
Condolence: Sending sincere love and condolences to the family. Brother Heaslip, and myself appreciated your Mom and all the support and continued help she provided while we pastored Victory Tabernacle in Beaverton. She is now with the Lord and saviour, and has left a cherished legacy to her family. May God Bless you and give you the strength during this difficult time. Praying for each of you girls and your families. Love Sister Heaslip, Angela, Bonita, Wanda and their families.
Thursday March 19, 2015
Condolence From: Patricia McCrae
Condolence: Sending condolences to each family member and grandchildren for their great loss is without question Heaven's gain. Her interests were varied and that only added to the fascinating person she was. Master quilter, seamstress.gardener and adventurer especially in the forest in the spring of the year picking fiddleheads to gathering morels and wild asparagus she was like an excited child on a great field trip. Her influence was vast and I am so glad it included me and my family. You were exactly what others referred to you as "a Great Christian" Love Sis. Tish McCrae
Wednesday March 18, 2015
Condolence From: Carol Christiansen
Condolence: My condolences to Vickie and Frank and the rest of the family. I remember Sis. Jensen years ago when my grandfather pastored in Beaverton. She was always there with a big smile to welcome our family when we were there visiting. Another soldier gone on to her reward. We shall see her again someday!
Wednesday March 18, 2015
Condolence From: Wendy (ward) Wiebe
Condolence: Many times sister Jensen babysat my brother and I, and fed our family dinners at her table. I remember her sweet sweet smile. My condolences to the family. Your loss is heavens gain. My parents, brother and sister J.D. Ward would also like to extend their condolences to the family as sister Jensen was very much a special part of their lives.
Wednesday March 18, 2015
Condolence From: Deborah (Kierstead) Haroun
Condolence: My very first knowledge of Sister Nina Jensen were through photos & stories my mother, Joan (Kaulbach) Kierstead told. Mom & Mavis ______ co-pastored in Beaverton in 1961-62 under the leadership of then District Supt Rev. J.O. Moore. My mom fondly remembered Sis Jensen & her family. All through the years that friendship remained with good memories shared. I personally remember Sis Jensen from camp - she was always smiling and was always a worshipper. Then when her daughter Vicky came to AMI Bible School in London, there were more opportunities to see the sweet spirit in both mother and daughter. And I've also see that same kind, sweet spirit in Vicky & Frank Pollard's son who was in Windsor for a time. Now my mother would have been able to recall other names in the family, but I'm afraid I cannot (so sorry). Our family is with all of your family in prayers at this time. My dad, Bro G.D. Kierstead, hopes to make it to the service on Saturday though I cannot, due to health. Two years ago on March 21st was my own dear mother's funeral service so I will be grieving with you - but with that blessed assurance that we will see them again on the other side. God bless, strengthen & comfort you all. Deborah & Sam Haroun & Rev. G.D. Kierstead
Wednesday March 18, 2015
Condolence From: Janice Rutter
Condolence: Love and blessings are sent to the family of this precious Lady. She was a worshiper....has not changed that...just changed her location!!!!! Every one who knew her was blessed to have her in their lives. Charles and Janice Rutter
Wednesday March 18, 2015
Condolence From: Rev Andrew Regich
Condolence: I want to send our condolences to the family in this time of grieving. There is a blessing in knowing that Sis Jensen served the Lord through thick and thin. I appreciated her dedication to the work of the Kingdom of God and her special knack of hospitality. Our prayers will be with the family and the church.
Tuesday March 17, 2015
Condolence From: Barbara Robinson
Condolence: I worked with Nina, many, many year ago at the Bell Office in Beaverton. She was a lovely lady and we all loved her. I had lost track of her over the years. My sincere sympathy to her family for the loss of a truly beautiful lady. Barbara Robinson
Monday March 16, 2015
Condolence From: Rev. Brentt & Linda Williams
Condolence: We were very saddened to hear about the recent I'll and passing of the dead saint of God, Sis Jensen. She always encouraged each one through her kindness and hospitality, faithfulness to Victory Tabernacle in Beaverton, and her profound love for her Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! She was and will always be an example of a great godly Christian. We will fondly remember a then 83 year old Sis Jensen visiting 'the old people' in the manor in Beaverton. She cared for them like they were her flock. Our thoughts and prayers are with her daughters and spouses, her grandchildren, great grandchildren and extended families. We especially think of the Pastor and saints of Victory Tabernacle during this difficult time. "When you look for me, look around the throne. I'll be singing with the angel band. Singing glory to His name that forever I've been changed. So look for me around the throne."
Sunday March 15, 2015